
Poll: Memphis Voters Want Quality Public Schools

A recent poll in Tennessee highlights the strong desire among voters for enhanced public school options.

July 26, 2024
Leaders of Color Alum Advances to Run-Off in California Elections

March 19, 2024
Alum Letisha Vinson Brings High Quality Student Services to D.C.

To help set students up for success, Leaders of Color 2023 alum Letisha Vinson is working to establish a comprehensive wellness program for students in Washington, D.C.

March 12, 2024
Leaders of Color Welcomes the Class of 2024

Leaders of Color Welcomes the Class of 2024

February 23, 2024
Leaders of Color Fight for Equitable Voting Maps in Louisiana

In January 2024, the Louisiana state legislature approved a new congressional voting map that includes two majority-Black districts. We are proud of the Leaders of Color who played a part in this decision. Learn more about the work from State Representative and Leaders of Color alum Vanessa Caston LaFleur.

February 23, 2024
New Poll:  2 in 3 Memphis Voters Support Expansion of Charter, Magnet, and Other Public School Options Over Private School Vouchers

Leaders of Color, Memphis, an organization focused on identifying, training and elevating Black and Latinx leaders in Memphis to become civic and political education leaders, released results of a new public opinion poll commissioned by the organization focused on the beliefs, aspirations, and priorities of likely voters in Memphis. The survey found that voters overwhelmingly support public school choice in Memphis and have a strong preference for an expansion of public school options as opposed to the creation of private school vouchers.

February 7, 2024
Leaders of Color Making Black History

This Black History Month, we are celebrating our Leaders of Color alumni who have made history in their communities! 

February 1, 2024
Alumni Voice: Private school choice isn’t the answer for Tennessee

In a recent opinion piece, our alum Dr. Audrey Elion highlights the importance of high-quality public schools and public school choice in Memphis. The full opinion piece is below. This article was originally published in The Daily Memphian.

January 31, 2024
Meet our Alumni: Will Snowden and the Power of Our Civic Duties

We sat down with Will Snowden, an alum of our 2020 Louisiana class, to talk about reforming criminal justice policy and reducing jail populations in Louisiana.

January 22, 2024

Stay connected with our work!

Our monthly newsletter provides a snapshot of our work to build Black and Latino civic engagement and political power in our communities.