Fellow Friday, Alumni Spotlight ft: Arriell Quianna Gipson Martin, Memphis Class of 2021

May 26, 2023

Check out this week's Alumni Spotlight ft. Arriell Gipson Martin, Memphis Class of 2021 Alum.


Arriell Quianna Gipson Martin, a Memphis Native, is the Community Engagement Manager for the Crime Victims & Rape Crisis Center within Shelby County Government. Gipson Martin is the co-founder of the Hope & Healing Collaborative which unites various violence prevention and intervention organizations, faith-based leaders, grass root organizers, and government agencies in Memphis and Shelby County.

She sits on the Tennessee Rape Prevention and Education Community Advisory Board, The University of Memphis Prevention Task Force, The Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence Inclusivity Committee, the Community Walk Against Gun Violence Committee, and is a member of the Resilience Catalyst Core Team.

Arriell is a former contractor with Civic Tennessee, a bipartisan non-profit civic engagement coalition that envisions a future where underrepresented communities of color, single women, and young people have a greater voice and influence in shaping state policy. 

Gipson Martin is a graduate of Leaders of Color, Organizing for Action, New Memphis Leadership Institute, and The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. She was the 2020 Miss Shelby County USA and voted Miss Congeniality for Miss Tennessee USA 2020.

Arriell specializes in people – helping them connect to the true essence of a healthy and whole community. She wears many hats but they all equate back to strategically making this world a better place one interaction at a time.

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