Leaders of Color 2023 Impact Report

December 18, 2023

This year, 71 Black and Latinx leaders graduated from our program, ready to tackle the systemic challenges that create inequities in our education systems. Together, the 271 alumni of our program have created an undeniable force for good. Your contributions to our school systems, classrooms, and communities cannot be overstated.

Please join us in congratulating the amazing work of our program alum and staff. Our Leaders of Color 2023 impact report provides a snapshot of what our leaders have accomplished this year, and how our program supports their ambitions and goals - all within an educational equity view.

As the year winds down, we have our sights set on creating even more impact in 2024. We are currently accepting applications and nominations for our next cohorts in Louisiana, Memphis, and Washington D.C., until December 31. 

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