The Year Ahead: Building Leadership and Advocating for Educational Equity

January 10, 2024

As the dawn of a new year unfolds, the Leaders of Color program is presented with an opportunity to shape the future through intentional resolutions. In 2024, we aim to chart a course that not only empowers leaders individually but also envisions a collective impact on a national scale. From onboarding new leaders in Memphis, Washington D.C., and Louisiana to a heightened focus on activating voters for education equity, these resolutions promise a year of growth and advocacy.

Build Leadership Across Regions:

We are looking forward to announcing our new class of leaders who will join our program in February 2024 in Memphis, Washington D.C., and Louisiana. By fostering diversity in leadership across these regions, we can build networks that truly represent the richness of our communities and bring about positive change on a broader scale.

Amplify Regional Voices:

In 2024, we pledge to amplify the voices of leaders in each region, recognizing the unique challenges and opportunities they face. By leveraging our program alumni to advocate for regional issues, Leaders of Color can contribute to a more inclusive dialogue that addresses the specific needs of diverse communities.

Build Collaborative Networks Across States:

This year, we will build on our work to forge collaborative networks that transcend state boundaries. By creating connections between leaders and our program alumni in Memphis, Washington D.C., and Louisiana, we can establish a powerful support system that fosters shared knowledge, resources, and strategies for success.

Prioritize Voter Activation for Education Equity:

Recognizing the power of civic engagement, we will activate voters during this election year, with a specific emphasis on education equity issues. Leaders of Color use their influence to mobilize communities, raise awareness, and advocate for policies that promote fairness and equality in education.

Engage Communities in Election Dialogue:

We will actively engage communities in Louisiana, Memphis, and Washington D.C. in a dialogue around the importance of education equity during elections. Our leaders encourage open conversations, host town halls, and use various platforms to ensure that voters are informed and empowered to make decisions that align with the values of inclusive and equitable education.

As Leaders of Color embark on the journey of a new year, these resolutions will guide the way towards fostering leadership diversity across regions and advocating for education equity. Join us and support our work in Louisiana, Memphis, and Washington D.C. as we kick off a year of collective growth, regional impact, and advocacy for a more equitable future! 

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