Welcome Terrell Wilson - Alumni Engagement Coordinator!

February 28, 2022

Meet Terrell Wilson, our program's Alumni Engagement Coordinator! 

Why did you join Leaders of Color?

The mission to elevate Black and Latino leaders is one that was easy to join. Leadership in our country is not reflecting its constituents - this is a topic I've always felt is very important. So, when the opportunity to be a part of an organization that aims to remedy that issue became available, I was eager to pursue.

Name something people don't know about you.

One thing that I don't share enough is that when I was little boy I had the pleasure of meeting Rosa Parks. It was one of the best experiences of my life. It's not too often that you get to meet someone that you read about in history books.

What are you the most excited about in this role?

I am most excited about meeting  and speaking  and working with all the people around the country who are doing life-changing work for Black and Latino children.

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