2023 Mid-Year Impact Report

June 26, 2023

Leaders of Color is actively working to improve education outcomes for students in Louisiana, Memphis, New York, Washington D.C., and at the national level. Now, at the halfway point of 2023, we are reflecting on the progress our fellows and alumni have made:

Tennessee: In Tennessee, the legislature tried to expel three representatives for peacefully protesting gun violence, which disproportionately affects Black and Latinx kids. Our fellows and alumni surveyed voters and developed an email and phone campaign in support of the Tennessee Three.

Louisiana: Louisiana fellows and alumni are working to expand credit transfer pathways between high school and Louisiana's higher education institutions so that more students can transfer the Career & Technical education credits they earn in high school. Leaders of Color in Louisiana were recognized at the Capitol for their work to increase education equity.

New York: Alum Cristina Arroyo, alongside Education Reform Now-NY, is working to support the The Fair Admissions Act, which aims to eliminate the legacy preference and early decision admission policies at colleges and universities in New York. The bill will dismantle ongoing inequitable barriers that uphold systemic racism and discrimination in college admissions.

Washington, D.C.: Fellows and alumni in Washington D.C. are advocating for increased resources for the nearly 14,300 students who receive special education services in D.C.'s public and public charter schools. Leaders of Color submitted recommendations for the fiscal year 2024 budget and drafted a resolution in support of increased resources like transportation, classroom services, and staff.

National: Charter schools across the country serve many Black and Latinx students, helping to close the opportunity and achievement gaps in our classrooms. Too often, myths about charter schools spread far and wide, leaving the truth about public charter schools behind. To celebrate National Charter School Week on May 7-13, we debunked three of the most common myths we hear about charter schools.

Looking ahead, we are preparing to graduate our current cohort of leaders in August 2023, and looking forward to recruiting our next class of leaders to join our program in January 2024. Stay in the loop about our work and opportunities to join our program by signing up for our newsletter and following us on FacebookInstagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

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